Monday, June 30, 2014

It's A LOT for a Monday {6/30/14}: Monday Markdown, Monday Meet Up & Made it Monday

Hello friends~

I hope everyone had a great weekend! My Mom & 89 year old Grandmother came up for the week to NC from FL. So my little girl stayed home from daycare with here Nana & GG. We loved every minute of it! Lot's of pool time, activities & treats! The last part, treats, yup we don't keep those in my house. I feel so sick & full. Back to regular eating tomorrow. We all cried when they had to go home Sunday morning, but we will see them soon! This is the hardest part about being a military family... Knowing you won't live near your family until retirement... But, my little family had a great sunny Sunday together planting new flowers & painting the sidewalk.

Sidebar over...

OK, so enough about me... I am here for 3 link-ups!!! 
Yup, I've got A LOT for ya folks! 

Here we go...

Monday Markdown:

I am linking up with the fabulous Kelly & Kim. 
{Click on their button below for a direct link to the entire linky party} 

I am marking down 1 special product this week....
1st Grade Language Interactive Notebook
{Common Core Aligned}
{Click on the photo above for a direct link to this product 
& check out the preview file}

Monday, June 30th - Friday, July 4th
50% off
Regular: $8.99
This week only: $4.50
See some sample pages...

Monday Meet Up:
I am linking up again with the fabulous Teaching Tribune team for their Summer Bloggin' Week 5! This is my first full week of summer break 
{we had summer camp right after post planning} 
so hopefully I'll be able to actually keep up all week:-)
{Click on their button below for a direct link to the entire linky party}
Here are 3 things about me you might not have known...

Monday Made It:
Finally I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made it!
{Click on the photo below for a direct link to the entire linky party}
I finally got around to putting some flower pots on my back deck. At the beginning of the Spring/Summer season I did 5 large pots for the front walkway & back brick area but I never made it to the deck. So after the hubs secured my window/rail pots, I planted 1 flower pot & 4 window/rail pots on the deck rail. Now I want them to grow & fill out:-)
Here is where my inspiration came from... Pinterest...
{Click on the photo above for a direct link to this pin}

So I gathered some supplies...

You do need paint brushes & painters tape, but I didn't have it in the picture above.
Also, I didn't have a star stencil {which I recommend} so I just free handed it. I made a bunch of different stars. I just went with it! Finally, my bow is my bow. That's the only way I can make a bow without being frustrated. So again, I just went with it! I still have to make the hanging part & put it up today, but I LOVE it!
Have a Marvelous Monday!


  1. Absolutely LOVE the patriotic letter!!! Oh my gosh. I feel like I may need to make another trip to Michael's. :)


    1. It was super easy too! Going to put it on the front porch today:-) Heading your way now!

  2. Wow! You're all linked up today! :) I am also in NC too! :) I love the letters you made!
    Mixing it up in Middle

    1. Ha ha! Yes I am, it's summer & I can do these things now... Ha ha! Thanks!

  3. I love flowers! You can never have too many. Yours will fill out soon.

    Smiling and Shining in Second Grade

  4. Wow you are so crafty and really good at things Dianna! Love how your letter turned out! The painting job is great!! Loved hearing some new things about you too...neat you only went on 2 dates before you guys knew you would get sweet! Lucas and I met online and it didn't take much time to know for us either. Live your flowers and is that your backyard? It's gigantic and I'm jealous ;) our little veggie garden has turned into a jungle lol and we don't know how to tame it! ;)
    Love how you had a little girl when you wanted a boy,.,funny how things seem to happen for a reason. I swear I will have all boys too as my family is overrun by boys...but a girl would be nice! We'll see! Any plans on expanding your little family?
    Hope you have a great summer break week and have a fun 4th of July! We are celebrating Canada Day her tomorrow and going to a local festival!!
    Elyse :)

    1. Hey girly~ Thanks, I'm trying!!! I think it's hilarious how similar we are... 2 weekends we met up & bam, married. Just like you all too! My backyard is HUGE, we had to get a sit down mower when we moved here. Remember I live in the country kind of... Not near in a large city, but we are near the coast & the beach is only about 20 min. from us. How's being pregnant? Yes, we are waiting till Harper turns 3 in October & then going to start trying. Double daycare is the issue we have... If we have to do it for like 1 school year, we could make it work but it would be rough to do it longer. Have fun celebrating Canada Day! Post pictures! IDK about the 4th, they are calling for a hurricane!!! Love, D

  5. I played softball in college too! I think being an AD would be so much fun!

    Swinging for Success
    Follow me on Facebook!

    1. Yay another softball player!!! So exciting to meet you!!! Yes, if we had stayed in FL I would have pushed in that direction of my career... But being military & moving around so much doesn't leave any chances to make connections or work my way up. I'm following you! Can't wait to see what you create this summer:-)

  6. Love your patriotic letters, and your deck looks so inviting! Just found your blog through the summer bloggin' linky today...


    1. Thank you & so nice to meet you! I'm heading your way now!

  7. I understand what you mean about living far away from your family. I live 2,500 miles away from mine. I'm fortunate enough to be spending a month with them right now though. It's so very important. I'm glad you got to spend time with your mom and grandmother! Your Monday Made Its turned out really cute! I think your stars are perfect just the way they are!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Aww, thank you & it's so nice to meet people who don't have family right at their fingertips. It is hard & it is important to visit when you can. I'm heading your way now!

  8. Your letter looks great! I wish I could make a big beautiful bow like you! I'm not the greatest at making bows. :) Have a great 4th of July!

