Friday, June 27, 2014

Five for Friday: Weekly Linky 6/27/14

Click on the image above for a direct link to Doodle Bugs Teaching, 
you can view the entire linky party!

Hello Friends~
Sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks... Life got a little busy & Facebook was the only thing I could really keep up with. To be honest, it's b/c I can check it on the go on my iPhone easily. So, if you are not following me on Facebook click HERE to do so. So between the end of the school year, summer school ending on Wednesday, visiting friends & family visits I feel soo unorganized! Does anyone else ever feel this way? Anything out of the regular routine & I get frazzled! So here are a few things that have been going on in my life...
Literacy Committee
This is the only thing school related... My current school didn't have any committees... This is my 10th year teaching & my 1st year being at a school with no committees. But thank god, that is changing. We are calling them "Action Teams". We will have PBIS, Math, Literacy, Technology, Hospitality & Global. A fabulous 3rd Grade teacher & friend on mine are co-chairs of the Literacy committee. We couldn't be more excited. We had our first meeting & have been working hard. We have divided our goals into 2 categories, Literacy Instruction & Literacy Community. First task was starting the school's Book of the Month program. More to come soon on this...
Here are the monthly books our committee voted on...

OK, nothing else below has to do with school... Just my life...

Myrtle Beach 
Weekend trip to visit friends... This will be an annual June trip from now on... So much fun!
Here's a little peek at something special I'm working on... More to come soon...
Family Visit
My Mom & Grandma came to visit for the week. 4 generations all together & we have been busy with my daughter all week.
Harper's New Obsession
Sidewalk Paint... Need I say more...
Have a great weekend!

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