Thursday, June 11, 2015

Learn Like a Pirate [Common Concerns about Student-Led Classrooms]!

Hey Friends~

I'm back again for another summer book study with Amanda from The Primary Gal! I'm so excited!

So I dove into this book & love it!!!

So, Chapter 2 is all about the Common Concerns about Student-Led Classrooms. Who wouldn't be concerned? Who wouldn't have fear?

The most common concerns:

  • I'm worried about giving up control to my students.
  • I can't do this. I'm definitely going to make a lot of mistakes & fail.
  • There's just too much at stake. I can't risk this not working.
  • This will be too much work. I can't take on another thing right now!
  • I'm overwhelmed. I don't know where to begin!
  • But, won't my room get loud?
  • There's no time for all of this. There's just too much to do.
  • I can't fit it all into our curriculum. We'll never et through everything.
  • My students can't do this.
  • I don't want chaos! I have students who will ruin it for the class. 
  • I have shy & introverted students who will feel uncomfortable.
  • Parents & administrators won't like it.
  • My way of teaching has worked for years. I don't need to change.
But let's think, I think we can all agree that active learning is the most successful. Children need to be engaged & problem solving with peers. Sit 'n' Git, ain't cutting it!!! Keep mini lessons, mini & move on to active learning.

So with that being said, it is totally worth the risk & chances to have a little noise in your room that is the result of new learnings. When students feel like they are in control of their learning in a positive way, they will be happier & preform better. Every child deserves a chance to be in a leadership position & to help peers. Every child has a strong suit & when linking those features up in a classroom, amazing things can happen. Not only do we want our students to be successful scholars the year they are in our classrooms, we want them to have a successful educational life & post education life. We need to build children up a little at a time & sitting in rows silently is not the answer. I mean I even fall asleep when I'm sitting in a lecture. I have ADD I swear when I'm not engage. So why would this be different for little minds??? Let's go with the changes in time, embrace them & use every opportunity as a learning opportunity of collaboration. It's time to be a leader in our classroom, building & profession! We need to show students that you do learn best through active learning as well as myself. Our classroom will be fun & everyone is a paart of our family of learning!

If you are new to this, here are a few things to start with:
  • Classroom set up for collaboration.
  • Hands on activities prepped.
  • Integration of all content areas together.
  • Every student has jobs, responsibilities & a role [not just 5 for the week].
  • Everyone is a family member & we take care of each other each day.
  • We welcome others to learn with us in our classroom.
  • The teacher is a guide to success!
  • The teacher has the final say!
Teacher benefits:
  • Lots of time for feedback.
  • Lots of time for conferences.
  • Lots of time for small groups.
  • Lots of time for informal observations of student learnings.
  • Lots of time for productive learning!
  • Teaching students to care for others!
  • Teaching students that they belong & bring something to the table!
This book is fabulous & I recommend you pick it up for the summer!!! This chapter has so many specific answers to questions & will point you in the right direction for success!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Dianna! I'm a Dianna, too! Dianna Lynn. I think there was a famous country singer back in the day that my daddy liked of same name. Or maybe that was Loretta Lynn. ;) Enjoyed reading your blog and nodded at many of your concerns and benefits. I had a post from Paul tonight. I am on Soaring Teacher. D :)
