Monday, July 21, 2014

Monday Linky Parties & More! Monday Markdown & Monday Made It {7/21/14}

Hello Friends~
I'm back again for some Monday Linky parties & more! It's going to be a very busy week here for me, students started back today! CRA-ZY! The joys of teaching at a year-around school:-)

So anyhow, let's get started!

First, just a friendly reminder that I am hosting a Close Reading Book Study with some of my girls on the book Falling in Love with Close Reading. Yesterday we posted about Chapter 3. We will be posting each Sunday. Make sure to follow along in our Close Reading journey & enter weekly to win a copy of the book.

Chapter 1 {CLICK HERE}
Chapter 2 {CLICK HERE}
Chapter 3 {CLICK HERE}

Monday Markdown

I am linking up with the fabulous Kelly & Kim. 
{Click on their button below for a direct link to the entire linky party}

I am marking down 1 special product this week....
1st Grade Reading {Phonics & Word Rec} 
Interactive Journal
{Common Core Aligned}
{Click on the photo above for a direct link to this product 
& check out the preview file}

Monday, July 21st - Friday, July 25th
50% off
Regular: $3.99
This week only: $2.00
See some sample pages...

Monday Made It:
Finally I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made it!
{Click on the photo below for a direct link to the entire linky party}

Organizing the Medicine Cabinet:
This is my downstairs 1/2 bath...
So I moved everything out of those baskets & upstairs to the guest bathroom. I organized everything into categories, labeled & all!
The "extra items" are from my Amazon Subscribe & Save for upstairs...

Organizing for Recycling:
Well we don't really recycle very well at home so I wanted to put a simple system in our home so that I can teach my daughter to help.
Sign made & laminated...
Stacking bins bought at Wal-Mart...
Finished product...
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I need to organize my bathroom before I go back to work. I can't believe you have kids already. Wow, best of luck on your new year!
