Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday Link Ups!!!

Hello Friends~

I hope everyone enjoyed thier 4th of July holiday weekend! Over here at the Radcliff Casa we did! 

So it's another "It's A LOT for a Monday" & I've got a lot of linky parties for you! 

But before I start, don't forget that yesterday {Sunday} we started our book study on the book Falling in Love with Close Reading. Click {here} to view Chapter 1. Visit each week on Sunday to view each chapter of the book & there will be raffles!

Monday Markdown
I am linking up with the fabulous Kelly & Kim. 
{Click on their button below for a direct link to the entire linky party}

I am marking down 1 special product this week....
Kindergarten Language Interactive Notebook
{Common Core Aligned}
{Click on the photo above for a direct link to this product 
& check out the preview file}

Monday, July 7th - Friday, July 11th
50% off
Regular: $8.99
This week only: $4.50
See some sample pages...

Monday Meet Up:
I am linking up again with the fabulous Teaching Tribune team for their Summer Bloggin' Week 6! 
{Click on their button below for a direct link to the entire linky party}

Monday Made It:
Finally I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for Monday Made it!
{Click on the photo below for a direct link to the entire linky party}

Office Makeover:
So one of my sweet teacher friends got promoted to Assistant Principal! Yay, but even better... She was promoted at our school! We get to keep her... So as a congrats gift I re-arranged & started to set up her new office to fit her sweet personality...
I started by making a trip to our local Salvation Army to grab some frames & a mirror... My bill $10!
Next I cleaned everything & grabbed some bright color spray paint...
I took out all the glass... My reasoning is b/c we can't put wholes in the wall so we have to hang everything with command hooks. If they happen to fall off the wall, I don't need broken glass in a school. I used a few signs from a great purchase I made a few months ago. The art work is from Hope King, called Desire to Inspire. Click {here} to see the fabulous subway art! I printed them on card-stock & laminated them.
Viola! {Yes, my dining room is my work station...}
Yard stick from Lowe's ($.99) & some clothespins...
I also made a wreath to match...
And here are some pics of her office {we are not done}...
What a cute, fun, bright, welcoming start to a new office & job!


  1. What a sweet gift to make all of that for your friend's new office. It looks great so far. Carrie Bradshaw was a great choice...I'd love to meet her in person too.
    The Traveling Teacher

    1. Thank you so much, I love her & I wanted to give her one less thing to worry about & a fresh feel. It would be fun to meet Carrie Bradshaw wouldn't it, right! My hubs rolls his eyes at me:-) Ha ha!

  2. Your frames are adorable. I need to look for some frames!
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

  3. How very sweet that you helped decorate the office for your friend! Everything turned out really cute. I'm in awe that you got a yard stick at Lowe's for $0.99. I tried to buy one at Beverly's Fabric and it was $6.97. I said no way to that and went to Walmart where it was $3.97. I like your deal much better!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. OMG really?!?! It was in the paint section on a floor bucket! LOVE getting them there:-) Sorry, hopefully you'll get a better deal soon!

  4. I adore "Falling in Love with Close Reading". I attended the authors' close reading session at the International Reading Association conference in spring 2012. I fell in love and knew I would have to buy this book when they published it. It is phenomenal! I also love the look of your friend's new office. You did a great job!
