Click on the image above for a direct link to Doodle Bugs Teaching,
you can view the entire linky party!

Teaming Up With EDUCENTS:

Teaming Up With EDUCENTS:
Click on the image above for a direct link to this
You can read about my post by CLICKING HERE!
You have 2 days people to grab this fabulous pack!!!

My End of the Year Pictures & Packets:
Here's what my kids are leaving with today from me!
Pictures & a packet of summer work!
You can read about my post & the original idea by CLICKING HERE!
My set up!
Doing a little editing by myself! Sent them to Walgreen's & picked them up!
Summer Reading Packet!
A note from me to parents, parent handouts & information, summer reading & writing ideas & 5 reading comprehension passages with written comprehension practice from Read Works. Everything I put in this pack was FREE from other fabulous teachers! (The kids have a 5 week break, teachers have 4 weeks for our year around summer intersession. Not me! I'm working!)
Assembling time! Their folder of work & summer packets go into a zip-lock bag.
I made these cute bookmarks for my students to use when reading this summer. Great questions & prompts. My students have extra paper in the prongs of their folders they are taking home so they can use it as their summer reading journal.
Again, I just made a simple packet of FREE resources. If I was still a HR Teacher, I would of used some of the AWESOME resources on TpT for my students entering 3rd Grade.

I always have my last small group of the day wipe out the head phones & I spray them with lysol. But, each 9 weeks I wash them in the dish-washer. I am a believe in whisper phones because kids gain so many benefits by hearing themselves read. We use them daily!

End of the Year Gathering:
Yes I am a part time Literacy Coach, but I'm also a part time Title I 2nd Grade Teacher. It's honestly the best part of my school day! So we must celebrate & go out in style! We have 1 more week of school left, but with all the testing & my Literacy Coach job I won't see my babies for small groups next week. So we are saying good-bye today!
Don't judge my room! I'm in an old portable, I only have 1/2 the space b/c it's divided. UNCW uses it to teach the reading recovery classes for the county. Plus, I'm in the middle of packing up, taking things down & throwing stuff out. It's ugly in here!!!
The set up!
Red Carpet & Summer Awards!
(I was too lazy busy to cut the stars out!)
(Sorry in advance for horrible iphone pics!)
The Awards Ceremony!
Memory Book & Autographs!

My Countdown:
After the make up snow days & working summer school for 3rd Grade, I have 17 working days left!
Friday June 13th Students Last Day!
I more week with them & EOY Testing in 3rd-5th! Fingers Crossed!
Then it's off to work post-planning & 10 days of summer school.
Loads of fun Dianna! I am probably going to do red carpet style awards too. We still have three more weeks of school. I basically have to do everything you showed in this post - wash classroom items, make summer packets, do awards, memory books, etc.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your share! I LOVE ReadWorks and use it religiously! When I first discovered it, I drafted a letter to parents with questioning ideas and recommendations for how to close read the passages with their students and I have received some incredible feedback. This is such an invaluable resource and I am so glad that so many others utilize it!
ReplyDeleteI am gearing up for our Kindergarten Graduation next week and love the Red Carpet idea! Your celebration looks like a lot of fun and I think I might just have to steal it :)
Enjoy the last few days of school!
All my best,
Shoe Laces & Sweet Faces