Friday, October 2, 2015

***JUST COMPLETED*** Effective Literacy Coach Planner & Literacy Observation Tool!

Effective Literacy Coach planner is completed!!! This was a HUGE task of labor & love, combining all of my favorite daily tools into a year long planning tool for ALL LITERACY COACHES!

The planner is jammed pack to keep you organized throughout an entire school year as well as helping you stay effective each day. Being a coach we want to make sure that each day we carry out meaningful & purposeful acts that help the quality of education for students. It our job to lead teachers to carry out effective teaching practices daily, we are accountable for encouraging change.

This planner is set up in black, white & gray for easy printing & to save on $. All you need is a:
  • printer [color is best]
  • white paper [high quality is best]
  • white card-stock
  • hole punch
  • binder
  • scissors
  • glue
In the product file you will receive:
  • complete planner
  • directions for assembling
  • tab dividers
Included in the planner you will be able to confidently organize your coaching life. Here are photos of my coaching planner.

Front & back covers:

Planner organization with section covers:

Section 1 - Weekly Coaching Log
Write down your weekly coaching plan including: meetings, PLCs, planning sessions, observations, individual conferences, working with students, preparing resources, professional development & other responsibilities. 

Section 2 - Notes & Checklists
3 different version of notes & checklists to keep you organized!

Section 3 - Professional Development Log & Planning Pages
You want to always make sure you keep a paper trail of the professional development you attend for your renewal credits. Also as a Literacy Coach you want to make your plan for the professional development you are delivering.

Section 4 - Account Log
Keep track of all of your personal & work account information.

Section 5 - Coaches Conferences
Use the coaching prompts to help guide your conversations when discussing literacy lessons & effective literacy instruction with teachers. Keep a log of all of your conferences, along with using the post literacy lesson conversation plan.

Section 6 - Meeting Documentation
Document all meetings & PLCs you attend.

Section 7 - Data Notes
Document all data meetings you attend. Use the meeting guide to help analyze & target all tiers of instruction. Gather resources needed & make a timeline to reconvene.

Section 8 - Observation Tool
This observation tool has 4 components. Whether you are observing an entire literacy block or just a specific piece you can use this observation tool to gather your notes. The observation tool is broken into 4 components: Literacy Environment, Literacy Instruction, Balanced Literacy & Student Engagement.

Click HERE or on any of the photos above to find this Effective Literacy Coach Planner in my TpT store. 

This Literacy Observation Tool is the same as above in my planner. The 4 components are arranged on a single page rather than 2 pages in the planner. All of the components & check points are the same. If you are a literacy coach & you are only looking for a complete observation tool rather than an entire planner, than this is for you.

Click HERE or on any of the photos above to find this Literacy Observation Tool in my TpT store.

Whether you are a teacher, coach or have another role in a school environment, I hope you find these items I use helpful in your position. 

Thanks for reading & don't forget to follow me along this journey of mine!

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